Video “Town Hall” Meetings

With Video Streaming technology,  many companies are streaming internal meetings company wide.   By applying live television production values to a video conference format,  companies essentially create their own internal television network.   Dog and Pony has provided essential technology,  know-how,  crewing, and show design for internal meetings to many clients including Union Pacific Railroad,  HDR,  ConAgra,  TD Ameritrade,  Oriental Training Company,  Mariott Hotels,  …

Great Big Rollin’ Railroad

Dog and Pony was honored to take part in many events celebrating the 150th Anniversary of America’s Greatest Railroad – Union Pacific . From the Union Pacific Youtube page: “In 2012, UP held a contest to re-create the classic 1970s television commercial, “We Can Handle It.” Contestents added a contemporary spin using music genres such as blues, pop, and rock among several…